Calling hotel groups, restaurants or pub chains, please pop a meatball dish on your menu and help us make money for muscular dystrophy.

This fun, foodie fundraiser can also be enjoyed by family and friends. Either way, please donate so more amazing Muscle Dreams can be delivered.

Your contributions help the charity continue to deliver its life-changing Muscle Dreams.

Why Support Us?

Your support will help us deliver more Muscle Dream experiences for young people with Muscular Dystrophy (MD).

To date, the charity has nearly delivered 600 Muscle Dream interventions that change lives and give hope. Our current mission is to deliver 657, that’s one for every muscle in the human body.

Muscletastic thanks! It means the world.

Hear from our Meatball Ambassador Harry Hill how to take part

Support Our #Meatballs4MD Fundraising Initiative

How does Meatballs for Muscular Dystrophy work?


Some delicious meat, fish, vegetarian, vegan & plant-based recipes from top chefs and celebrities
to inspire you.

Bill Bailey’s Lamb Meatballs with Butternut and Ginger Sauce

Liam Charles
Ikea Pie Recipe

Max La Manna’s

Compelling, Real Life Stories

Back in 2013, Alex Tait, then aged 14yrs, took part in one of the charity’s Porsche Muscle Dreams Driving Experience programmes. His participation sparked the start of a truly wonderful journey which today sees Alex as a fully-fledged professional racing driver, mentor and coach for other aspiring racing drivers. If ever there was a true-life story that evidences exactly what MHF does and the impact it brings in changing lives, Alex’s is it.

Alex says: “Spending the day at the Porsche Experience Centre at Silverstone, zooming around the track and feeling like I could conquer the world – there simply aren’t enough words to capture just how amazing the experience was. Once I’d got a taste of the racetrack, quite frankly, there was no going back.”

Amandeep, a 20-year-old aspiring pilot from Glasgow living with severe muscular dystrophy, had his lifelong dream of flying dashed by his condition.

In March 2022, he received a surprise from MHF when he got to virtually experience the life of Red Arrows’ veteran and current Blades pilot, Mike Ling, over Zoom, gaining insight into Mike’s 10-year career. Amandeep also received his own set of wings as a gift!

He says: “I felt honoured to receive the wings. I have got them framed and up on my wall so that I can see them every day. The whole experience made me feel very happy and honoured and has given me lasting memories that are very special.


Jimoh (aka Junior) has been in love with speed from a very young age. He was 23 when along with his family and two carers, he took part in the charity’s flagship Porsche Muscle Dreams Driving Experience Programme.

Jimoh says: “All I ever wanted to do was just relax in a normal car but was told I couldn’t because it’s not safe for me. I have encountered many obstacles in my life but have never let them stop me.”

Talking about the driving experience he says: “The whole day was amazing. Now I demonstrate to people they have no right to tell me I can’t sit in a normal car. If I can be comfortable in a Porsche 911 at Silverstone, I can go in any normal vehicle and drive like a normal person. It was another goal achieved, thanks to the MHF.


The Meatball Month competition is here!

November 14th, 2023|0 Comments

We are excited to reveal our wonderful #meatballmonth competition. If you are supporting the charity this November by taking part in our delicious fundraising campaign, you could have the chance to win one of FOUR [...]

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